Latest Advanced Technology and Tasks in Automobile Engineering
Seminar 10: Energy-saving Technologies for Automobiles
Jenna M. Eason
1) Describe your impression and opinion for “Energy-saving Automobiles” in this class.
Energy-saving automobiles are a relatively new concept in the 100 years of automotive history. The world has been aware of the effects of automotive production and emissions on the environment, but only recently have the full devastation of these effects been realized, and only recently have automotive manufactures acknowledge the dire need to change the trend. It is up to the manufacturers to develop solutions, but the customers must support their efforts and be socially responsible by accepting necessary innovations.
Throughout this course we have been introduced to many new energy-saving and sustainable fuel and production solutions. They all have advantages as well as disadvantages. In many cases, the idealistic thoughts have been proposed although the technology has yet to be developed. Often, one solution creates an additional difficulty. For example, adding safety features to vehicles improve customer satisfaction but also create excess vehicle weight. Heavier vehicles require more energy to power, using more fuel and creating more emissions.
2) Describe your opinion or concrete action against “Environment Issues and Energy Issues” for sustainable society in the future.
Toyota Motor Corporation has the right idea: “Zeronize and Maximize”. This concept addresses their current approach to automotive development and focuses on “Today for Tomorrow- Think to the Future and Take Action Right Now”. Zeronize refers to minimizing and eliminating the negative aspects vehicles have such as environmental impact, traffic congestion and traffic accidents. Maximize symbolizes Toyota’s efforts to focus on the positive: fun, delight, excitement, and comfort. Vehicles such as the Prius are being developed with these ideals in mind.
For Americans and American automotive manufacturers, the efforts towards answering vital environmental and energy sustaining issues are not as concrete. US auto manufacturers are facing difficult times and are trying to survive in the American market, which is the primary objective over sustainability. Because of this, they also do not have the funding to develop as extensive research in these areas as Japanese automakers, creating a vicious cycle. The companies, however, are not to blame. American customers have not yet fully realized the negative effects their vehicles are having on the environment and how crucial it is to find solutions. As an affluent society where almost everyone of driving age has a personal vehicle (or more than one), Americans can still buy whatever vehicles they desire, which are often overweight, over-seized fuel hogs. In order to create a sustainable society in the future of America, sustainable vehicles must become a high-class and desirable trend. This trend is slowly stepping forward and Americans are catching on, but the effort must grow immensely if Americans do not want to lose their auto companies to foreign competition.
Sources:, “Toyota’s Its Vision”
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